Boredom, Depression, Financial Problems, Being Alone.

Well, I have been busy and yes that is a good thing. I was reflecting when I feel bad, or when other people do, and came to the conclusion that one of the biggest problems is boredom. When someone gets so used to a routine it becomes boring, or if there is nothing they can do then this can lead to depression. By simply being occupied or having a few jobs to do, can change the mind. Although boredom and depression can go round in circles, so can financial problems as anyone under a lot of financial problems can get depressed, and again this can lead you to having financial problems so this recession is not helping at all.
I also think being alone is another big factor and I feel great empathy for people who have lost their partners, and especially when they are retired. I write this as I know my Mum gets lonely and although she has lovely neighbours and us 3 children, she still misses my Dad like mad. Yet I know if she is occupied, or can watch a good tv program this all helps, or in other cases if she could have got out to meet people.Social contact is important, but so is having your own space. When I am really bad I prefer to be on my own at specific times to deal with it. I then like contact, but again this depends on the situation at the time, because I can be really bad and it is then vital that I contact someone to talk to and although this sounds bad when I am like that, I sort of want to protect my kids and husband, and reach out to friends. This is not often and rare, but I am learning how to cope. I hope that when my Mum is feeling lonely she does ring someone, I guess she does do sometimes but again it will depend on what sort of mood she is in. My Mum is still looking for another dog and I encourage this as I know she will look after it, and again it will be company for her. A change of scene is good for anyone now and again, even a walk outside or a bus or car ride to somewhere different can be enlightening. Think about it,if on a nice sunny day you were feeling down and you looked outside and it was snowing heavily, your thoughts could (not necessarily) change dramatically, changing your mood.
The other way many people act to protect themselves is to work hard and to keep active more then the norm. I know I fall into this category and that many people cannot keep up with my pace. I like to be busy and also think that one of the positives is that a lot gets done.

At the end of the day everyone is different and what works for some people doesn’t always work for someone else, what is important is to find out what works for you, and it may be something really simple like treating yourself to a bar of chocolate.

About lisawb

I am a loving housewife and mother who has a swiss husband and two children. I love animals and therefore have plenty of different ones including 10 cats and 2 dogs. I have achieved a First class (Honours) psychology degree and have have written a book that has turned out to be a best seller. I have a facebook page for my book that also covers many other issues that is growing rapidly. I am also trying hard to work on a sequel to A Fine Line A Balance to Survive by Lisa WB.
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